Hi everyone!
September welcomes the 4th and last supermoon of the year on Friday, September 29th, 2023. As mentioned before, a supermoon amplifies the impact of her energy on us all. September's moon is called the Harvest moon because it is the start of the autumn crop harvesting season.
This moon is fullest at 5:57 am (EDT) which means we can go outside and enjoy the influence of her splendid healing glow on both Thursday and Friday night. Luna's in the energetic and ambitious sign of Aries and will be travelling through the cooperative and fair-minded Sun sign of Libra.
The sun signs most affected by this full moon are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
During a full moon phase we feel both the moon and sun sign's characteristics. This month's full moon in Aries will give us extra energy to work on our goals as well as partnering with like minded individuals - and maybe even find a romantic connection. Embrace the fire within! We will have the courage to step outside our comfort zone during this full moon, perhaps starting a new project that's been on our mind. With Libra's influence, the need to find a balance between our own needs and the needs of others will be strong. Libra's affects will will be with us from this Friday until the third week of October.
Time will be spent focusing on being with the company of others, and with the help of the Aries full moon, our energy will push us to speak up for what we want - sometimes without being overly concerned for other's opinions. Thankfully, Libra's influence during the full moon will temper this trait a bit. We may feel the need for support, advice, or other's opinion. Asking for reassurance is fine, but remember that all our answers are already inside us if we just quiet ourselves and listen.
Full moon's energies are to help us release that which no longer serves our highest and best. This month we can strive for a perfect balance in our life, start a new project, and create lasting partnerships.
Remember, this is also a wonderful time to nourish ourselves, and our crystals, with the free energy the moon provides. Placing crystals outdoors, or on an inside window ledge, will cleanse and recharge them from the moonlight. The best way for us to recharge is to stand barefoot in the grass and gaze at the moon as our feet connect with the earth. Certain emotions may rise to the surface for us to address. This is the power the moon has on us all. Each month we may find different emotions surface. Enjoy this experience!
Until next month...