Hi everyone!

At 4:24 p.m. (EDT) on Saturday, October 28th 2023, we get to welcome this month's glorious full moon and also a lunar eclipse! She will appear quite full to the human eye from Friday through Sunday this month. Take advantage of the weather to enjoy going outdoors in order to bask in her energy.

October's moon is called the Hunters Moon, named to observe hunting season preceding winter.

During this month's full moon, the determined and dependable characteristics of Taurus will be highlighted. As she travels through this months Sun Sign, she will pick up the passionate and loyal characteristics of Scorpio, too. Expect to see these characteristics intensify in all of us at this time. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are the four signs this month that will feel the affects most intensely.

This month, the moon urges us to celebrate the growth we've done so far this year, and to also acknowledge our setbacks. We all have a shadow side which can reveal unsavory aspects of our true self, but this is not to get us downhearted when we look at our shortcomings. This shadow side is for us to notice the areas that may need more attention in order to support our personal values and aspirations. Shadows can also make our interactions with others more challenging so it is in our best interest to address them! Take time for introspection - after all, no one is perfect. Look for ideas or habits that can be implemented into day-to-day living so that inner growth can occur.

Full moons are a time to release that which no longer aligns with our growth. People show us who they are and it is up to our own selves to determine if they support the direction we are to take. Trust this information, as this learning will either support the direction we are heading, or it will make us face difficult realities and/or unpleasant endings. Be brave! It is time to put our soul growth first!

With this month's moon using Taurus's determination, we must try to be gentle in communicating with others. We all don't have to become the "bull in the china shop". During full moons we get to pause and take a fresh look at the "cause" we are fighting for which may show us that it actually isn't worth all the friction we are creating. Our emotions will be at a super-charged level.

As this month's moon travels through the sun sign of Scorpio, self-control and moderation will be at the forefront. We may find ourselves living in a place of lack, focusing on controlling money, or even our relationships. It is essential to allow abundance to fill our hearts, for when we live in this heart center, we instinctively control over-indulgence and still find life's simple pleasures. If our soul tells us to go for it, we must trust it and say yes!

Finally, it's wise to take advantage of the free energy provided by the full moon from Friday to Sunday in order to charge our crystals. They can be taken outdoors or placed on an indoor window ledge. See if you can notice the difference after they are nourished!

Until next month...


Virginia Fulton