Hi everyone!

At 3:00 am (EDT) today, March 25, 2024, we welcomed in this month's full moon, known as the Worm moon which was known by that name because worms and beetles come out of their dormancy, signaling Spring! The March full moon is significant in that it represents a time of renewal and change of season.

This month's full moon also aligns with a lunar eclipse, making it a powerful and energetic time for us all! A full moon is a time where we are to release that which no longer serves us, so that we can see the path that we are to follow more clearly. When there is an eclipse added to the mix, we can all expect to feel more amplified by the emotions and desires we have, so that we will be nudged harder to follow the path that aligns with our spiritual growth.

The full moon in the romantic and idealistic sign of Libra will be traveling through the passionate and independent sign of Aries. Because Venus rules Libra, and Venus governs love, we can expect our emotions and desires to focus around relationships as well as balance. Don't be surprised by any "A-hah", or "Holy cow!" moments that come at this time. This is because this full moon has a potent lunar eclipse occurring which forces us to examine and correct where we want to grow. It can also influence the relationships we have with a romantic partner, family, or friends. This realization may push us to have some important discussions with our loved ones so that we can move forward in the relationships we have with them.

Because this full moon has an energetic eclipse fueling it, it is imperative to do something with this energy on March 25th! We must write down our goals on paper, or perhaps open up and speak to those people who could influence our wishes. This will allow the powerful energy of this eclipse to assist our desires and help create momentum toward action. There is an energetic force that will attach to our intentions today and will continue to assist us until the end of this 6-month lunar elliptical cycle! Please take advantage of this IMPORTANT time to write down goals before this days' end, so that the energy from the words written, or conversation spoken, will start to manifest our desires in the days and weeks to come.

The signs most influenced will be Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, but does not mean other signs cannot benefit from this lunar ecliptically charged full moon.

We must also remember to get outdoors tonight now that the weather is slightly warmer. Let's use the energy of the lunar eclipse and the full moon tonight to stand barefoot outside so that we can take advantage of this beautiful energy cleansing ritual. We can feel the moon's energy as it goes from the top of our heads, through our bodies, and down into mother earth, balancing our energy fields. Remember to remove any dust from any crystals at home, and then leave them on the window ledges for a few days during the full moon's glow so that they can easily regain their beneficial healing properties.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you who asked for and enjoyed these full moon emails. I have decided that this will be my last full moon email because I want to focus on other topics even more dear to my heart. It was a pleasure writing and send them to you all.

I will still be emailing and sharing information from time to time, and will also be posting more on social media and my website. Feel free to follow me on Instagram!

Thank you again,


Virginia Fulton